The document holds information regarding the responsibilities of GCAP officers and committees. It also provides a bulleted brief history about the organizations. The document contains important information for new members and prospective members.
This t-shirt was available for purchase in 2013 on the University of Illinois Urban-Champaign's campus to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center.
GCAP newsletter for those HIV positive in the Urbana-Champaign area. This particular newsletter is the fifth volume and second edition from March 1995. It provides general information about support services and treatment options as well as group…
This is a photo of drag king, Faim Lee Jewls and drag queen, Annie Hart talking to the Rainbow Café youth group about drag. We covered why people do drag, how to perform, make up tips, etc. At the end of the workshop, the youth put on their own drag…
These are covid facemasks Nathan Alexander made with fabric from drag queen, Mona Montclair. I made multiple styles of masks, but for the pride masks donations were requested to be made to LGBTQ+ organizations, either financial or work. Some of the…
Poster for memorial benefit for Gigi Mayonae and her family. Gigi had passed after having been hit by a drunk driver in Chicago. The show was hosted by Peach of the Midwest at Blackbird in Urbana, IL. This was after C-Street had closed and Peach…
Photos of the construction of the WRFU transmitter and station within and on top of the IMC. The first photo is of the transmitter with two sections erected. The second is of Mike Lehman, standing in front of the transmitter before it is erected. The…