Carden: Champaign-Urbana Men's Chorus, 2021 Collection

Dublin Core


Carden: Champaign-Urbana Men's Chorus, 2021 Collection


Gay Men's Choruses
LGBTQ Choruses


Documents and recordings relevant to the history of the Champaign-Urbana Men's Chorus.


Jerry Carden



Collection Items

GCAP Organizational Summary
The document holds information regarding the responsibilities of GCAP officers and committees. It also provides a bulleted brief history about the organizations. The document contains important information for new members and prospective members.

Men’s Chorus AIDS Memorial Service Program
This program is from the Champaign-Urbana Gay Men’s Chorus AIDs Memorial Service. The service was held at the Chapel of Saint John the Divine.

Champaign-Urbana Men's Chorus Christmas Concert 1988
This program outlines the 5th Annual Christmas Concert organized by the Champaign-Urbana Gay Men's Chorus in 1988 at McKinley Presbyterian Church. It includes basic information about the chorus itself along with their affiliation to GALA Choruses
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